Monday 7 June 2010

Drawing or doodling

Today I worked out how to find something that has been saved in draft form on my blog. And, for all you who are still figuring it out the blogging programme autosaves what you write every minute or so and if you click on the edit posts tab you can see both posted and draft entries.

So today has been all about Doodling.

Now, if you are like me, you might think that Doodling is a form of drawing or scribbling, but actually it is about setting up the equivalent of a straw poll. So our task was to set up a meeting using this electronic straw poll. Luckily for me my department is planning a staff meeting later this month and it's my job to collate the replies. And, having had no responses to my initial email request a couple of weeks ago, I decided I would send my colleagues a Doodle link to engage them in the decision of which dates suit the most people.

I found the process pretty straightforward. Thank goodness. I have got the link to my poll and have forwarded onto my colleagues. But one thing I haven't figured out yet is how to link it to my iGoogle page. I mean, I couldn't even get it to add to my bookmarks, let alone my Library tab.

I did open a Doodle account and linked it with my Google calendar, which I already had set up before 23 Things was started. I'm looking forward to seeing what things I might be able to do with the calendar which I don't already know about.

Anyway, I am now awaiting responses.

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