Friday 2 July 2010

Thank you, that was Delicious

How lucky am I. Another Thing that I have not looked into before. Something new to learn and explore. So, an account has been opened and bookmarks uploaded. Now to experiment. The proof in the pudding, as they say, will be in the eating.

My question is, do I now always have to have a Delicious page open on my browser to access my bookmarks?

At the moment, it seems quicker to me to just click on the bookmarks folder on my browser bar and then click on the bookmark I want to access. Having to go into Delicious, seems like adding in an extra step to get to the bookmarks. Maybe when I know more about Delicious, it'll make more sense.

On the whole, though, I think it is a good idea to have bookmarks stored in a central place and accessible from any computer whether at home, or work or in the local library even if I don't use Delicious every time I access a bookmark. And I think it will come into its own either when I get a new computer and want to access the bookmarks that were on the old machine, or when my computer crashes and has to be wiped clean so that all data not on the server is lost, as has happened in the past.

1 comment:

  1. You can add buttons to your browser so you don't need to have another window open to save bookmarks - much handier and just as quick as using built-in bookmark folders.
    Hope that helps!
